Monday, May 12, 2014

Just A Big Miracle

Hola Todos!

So this email is going to be short! Sorry! It just that this week we really focused on teaching Jiame and getting him ready for his baptism so there was not much else that happened aprt from yesterday when we got caught in a torrential downpour and even with an umbrella we got soaked. I hope my new tennis shoes can hold out for the next five months. I think with prayers  they will be okay

I already sent the picture but this weekend was the baptism of Jiame. It was such a beautiful service. The president of the branch cried because it is one of his good friends and he never imagined that he would find his way into the church. Jiame always told us that the last thing he would be in his life was Mormon and it just makes everyone laugh. He is super excited to learn about the temple. The branch will be going in July and we are going to help him prepare to go with his family even though they cant do more then baptisms. 

As for Samuel. We could not get ahold of him this week for hi work and so we moved the date for his baptism to the 24th and will hopefully be able to get in touch with him this week. He only needs one more lesson and the baptisimal interview so we are fighting for those last two things with him.

That was pretty much our week. This week all over Central America is what you would call Family week... and every night we have to be in the hcurch because there are going to be activities for the family... and they are supposed to bring their non member friends... we are praying that it actually happens and we will be picking up a lot of new investigators this week. 

I love you all so mch and I know this is such a short email so I just wanted ot end it with my testimony that I love my Savior so much. He is my Best Friend and I know that He is always there for each and every one of us. If you for some reason have felt Him far away, look for the things you can do to feel Him near. Often times when we feel God is not there... its not because He-s left... its because we are not looking for Him. 

Anwyay, I know this church is true. I know that this is God works and I feel privilege to be an instrument in His hands as imperfect and faulted as I am. I love you all so much. Until next week. 

Hna. Wilson

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